These are other blogs, newsletters, people, and websites on the internet that I like. If you use an RSS reader, you should subscribe to these people, in my opinion.
Chosen Family

My sister makes amazing games and short sci-fi stories. Also so very smart at politics.

My brother is one of the funniest people, and takes good photos.

Lizard tools
Evan has been a big influence on my life and is wonderful.

Hamlet is a delight and I frequently listen to their music and cry
Lovely People

Blackle is incredibly creative and inventive. This website is a world of delights.

Alyssa Kai was my Mountain Goats

Alyaza writes about interesting lesser-known history of the Labor movement and collects labor news.

A specific project of Alyaza's collecting news about unions

Brin makes amazing music and Jewish stuff.

Friend of mind who writes good poetry about autism and a lot of stuff about Cronenberg

CuriousQuail is a band that's like your favorite DIY anarchist folkpunk from college but now everyone is grown up and struggling with burnout and I find it deeply moving. Also, cool photos!

Damien is super sweet and also helped me make this website!

Dee is very smart
Marine biologist with interesting thoughts and reflections
Everest Pipkin
Cool games! Cool person!

Cool games! Cool person!

My friend who made Cohost but stayed cool before and after.
Katja is one of the most eclectically interesting people I know.

Very dear friend of mine

Natalie is very sweet

Liz is also very sweet

Incredibly creative person and talented musician

Excellent curator of found things

Home of obscure government PDF deep-dives

Incredible trans journalist and trauma-bonded vulva shrine survivor

Other Shel who is very talented at art

Excellent curator of objects

This, too, is torah
Bigger Publications by Mostly Strangers

Did you know that I'm Autistic

I own the coffee table book
Places for discovery

This is just a biiiig list of former Cohost users.

I will be honest, I don't understand how it works, but it shows a rotating set of different RSS feeds online every week according to some sort of algorithm