Older Miscellaneous Stuff

Older Miscellaneous Stuff

I made a lot of weird little doohickeys in college that I still like making available online.

Sailing Rough Waters

A guide to coping with the mental health effects of social microaggressions

Read at sailingroughwaters.com

Sailing Rough Waters was my senior thesis for college. Half of the site is a basic guide to the concept of microaggressions and their observed mental and physical health impact, known as "minority stress." Microaggressions are not micro in terms of severity, but in scale. A macroaggression is a policy, a microaggression is an interaction with an individual. The prison-industrial complex is a macroaggression. Pulling over a Black person for driving while Black is a microaggression. The other half of the site is a collection of articles on coping skills that have some evidence supporting their effectiveness in managing minority stress. The "about" page is a funny little window into how I identified in college. It's very funny to me how instead of identifying as bisexual, which I knew wasn't true, I just identified as "nobody thinks I'm straight because I'm trans."

I still sometimes send the coping skill articles to people and I get emails sometimes from total strangers saying they found the site and found it useful. I'm sure a lot of the social justice frameworks are very 2014 tumblr vibes but that's what the literature was about at the time so sue me.


Listicles about Science Gone Wrong

Read the articles

This was a class project I did for a class called "Contested Bodies" which was a science studies class. Science studies is the anthropological study of science and the scientific community. We learned about how the scientific method is often distorted by our social biases and culture. I really hated writing humanities papers, and managed to convince my professor to instead let me write Cracked.Com style funny listicles that made the ideas of the class more accessible, since a lot of the papers were quite theory dense. She loved the idea. These still make me laugh.


Soundclown before Soundclown

Listen on Bandcamp

This was a "band" my brother and I were in, with a rotating third member. At first it was a college housemate of ours, then we snagged a sick guest track from Nicky Flowers and eventually the person my brother ended up marrying joined the band. It's shitposts in audio form. Auditory shitposts. With a strangely political bent at times. Absolute nonsense. Used brat green before CharliXCX.

Text Generators

AI is the bane of our existence these days 'ain't it? Well, in college, it wasn't a thing yet. So instead I made little cute text generators that were funny and amusing. I made one that generates apologies, one that validates you, and one that comes up with undergraduate theses for a liberal arts college.

I however have no idea how to make these work on Ghost and it doesn't feel worth it to try. Sorry! All things end.