I have written a bunch of different poetry chapbooks. The best ones are available on my itch.io page. But you can also get them all here. I also post standalone poems on the poetry tag.

Full-length book collecting my previously patreon-exclusive poems, poetry from my unfinished chapbook on estranged labor, new original poems, and poems from now defunct indie mags.
Download on Itch.Io
Poems that are not about coronavirus disease 2019
Poems about squirrels, librarianship, frogs, King Solomon, and finding hope in time.
Download on Itch.Io
Moments in Motion
Haiku and other poems about trains, trolleys, maps, and mostly about family, memories, and moving on.
Download on Itch.io

My first chapbook. A collaged reflection on the narratives we tell ourselves, what we know is true, and how we make justifications. Quite old!