Posted to Western Mass Queer Exchange 08/01/2019

Posted to Western Mass Queer Exchange 08/01/2019

Posted to Western Mass Queer Exchange 08/01/2019 10:32am

Haley Zellinger Western Mass Queer Exchange
Yesterday at 10:32am
Hi everyone :^) i'm a queer femme looking for other queer femmes who could help me get rid of a dead body??? I'll thank you with some dandelion tinctures I made. Please come to S. Hadley ASAP. FEMMES ONLY!!
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Krissy Clementine i am so glad to see some spaces on here centering femmes. i don't think we center femmes enough and i think it's really important that we center femmes. i can't help you get rid of this body because I don't have a car. Sorry!
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Rowan MacArthur I'm a 20yo trans masc femme I just started T so I've got the muscles to help you carry this body! Messaging you
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Haley Zellinger I said FEMMES ONLY. We don't need mascs invading and taking up space who just want to prove they're stronger than femmes!
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Haley Zellinger Bump! This body is starting to smell bad :^) Still looking for femmes who can come to s hadley and help me get rid of this body
Like · Reply · 21h

Anna Ravenclaw I'm a queer femme feminist dark mage of 20 years in Easthampton and I would be happy to help you burn this body :-)
Like · Reply · 21h

Sammie Han ummmm does anyone know when we're having elections???? I would like to talk about moderator elections
Like · Reply · 20h

Beth Ortega I'm a queer feminist death doula in s hadley right now! i can clean and bury the body and i would love dandelion tinctures :) where are you?????????
Like · Reply · 19h

Eliza Lovelace ok but like r u a femme
Like · Reply · 19h

Beth Ortega what do you mean?
Like · Reply · 19h

Eliza Lovelace its not a hard question beth are you a femme or not.
Like · Reply · 19h

Beth Ortega I'm a cis queer woman living with my queer trans husband is s hadley :)
Like · Reply · 19h

Eliza Lovelace so then yr not a femme
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Beth Ortega I think I'm a femme.
Like · Reply · 19h

Eliza Lovelace u cant be a femme u have a husband lol
Like · Reply · 19h

Beth Ortega what does my queer trans husband have to do with this?
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Eliza Lovelace straight people cant be femmes
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Beth Ortega I'm not straight I'm a queer cis woman
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Eliza Lovelace lol what does that mean tho
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Beth Ortega It means I'm a queer femme entitled to this femme-centered space!
Like · Reply · 19h

Jo Thistlebrine I've been living in Easthampton for 20 years, I'm an old dyke, and I think we have forgotten something important here, Unity. Unity is when we stand together against all odds. When we don't let our differences divide us. Donald Trump is trying to divide this nation. He's trying to divide White from Black. Asian from Latino. Lesbian from Gay. Bisexual from Transgender. Feminist from Womanist. Native from Immigrant. Neighbor from Neighbor. And that's why we need to stand up and stop trump! I'm working on the Warren campaign if anyone wants to volunteer with me! I'll bring vegan kale chips :)
Like · Reply · 18h

Haley Zellinger Ummm where is everyone??? This body is starting to really rot in my living room :(
Like · Reply · 17h

Anna Ravenclaw I messaged you!
Like · Reply · 17h

Haley Zellinger I don't see it :(
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Anna Ravenclaw Check "Message requests" I messaged you hours ago
Like · Reply · 17h

Haley Zellinger Oh! I see it now. Are you a femme?
Like · Reply · 17h

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Haley Zellinger Hi I just want to thank everyone who made last night such a radical beautiful badass tender femme-centered femme-only space last night :) I felt so centered and whole and cared for while we buried the body of my husband. Expect tinctures in the next week!
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Eliza Lovelace your husband????
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Anna Ravenclaw as a queer polyamorous kinky queer feminist switch anti-capitalist queer anti-sexist anti-racist anarchist intersectional feminist queer femme doula I was HONORED to be in a space with so many BADASS QUEER FEMMES!!! 💪 💪 💪
Like · Reply · 30m

Eliza Lovelace you killed your husband???
Like · Reply · 15m

Eliza Lovelace how can u be a femme and have a husband
Like · Reply · 7m

Haley Zellinger I don't have a husband anymore :)
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