A prose poem written during the martyrology service of Yom Kippur 5782…
A prose poem written during the martyrology service of Yom Kippur 5782…
Interpretive translation of achat sha'alti, a piece of high holidays liturgy.…
Review of On Repentance and Repair by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg…
Some of my favorite talmud passages to get you hooked on reading talmud.…
On the podcast "Normal Gossip" and their use of the word "gossip" in contrast to how I use Lashon Hara, and the usefulness of breaking things down into different types of speech.…
Lamenting the overturning of Roe V. Wade…
Why the "evil tongue" is forbidden, and why Jews and Non-Jews alike may wish to add a mindfulness of lashon hara to their life.…