You do not owe anyone a radical cool presentation that is inauthentic to yourself

You do not owe anyone a radical cool presentation that is inauthentic to yourself

It is better and more correct to be an authentic version of yourself than to be a version of yourself that foregoes your desires for the sake of wearing an aesthetic of an identity that is not you but somehow feels more morally correct or righteous to wear.

The same of course goes for the inverse, it is better and more to correct to be an authentic version of yourself than to be a version of yourself that forgoes your desires for the sake of wearing an aesthetic of an identity that seems more palatable to your parents or your employer.

Be that basic bitch in the beret going to see Wicked for the 18th time or be gutterpunk at the house show. It doesn't matter. These are morally neutral aesthetics. Neither one is more politically radical or effective. Aesthetics do not change the world. What matters is to be your authentic self and pursue what you desire even if you don't seem Cool or even if you seem Abhorrent. Authentic is more important. It will make you happier. It will lead you to your people who love you as you are.

Get the thousand piercings then dress tzinut. Whatever. These things don't change the world. Just be what makes you feel happy