Review of How to keep house while drowning review by KC Davis

Review of How to keep house while drowning review by KC Davis


I desperately wish I'd had this book years and years ago. This is up there with Unmasking Autism as a book that felt like someone punching me in the gut and then gently unshackling me from the 5000lb weights I've been carrying on all my limbs and trying to carry while feeling guilty because it was so hard and I just thought life was supposed to be that way.

After finishing it today I immediately stopped on the way home to get paper plates and paper bowls so that I'm not letting fear of dirty dishes keep me from eating while I'm still running on empty going back to work while still recovering from GRS.

My only criticism of the book is it is strongly rooted in the author's own class, relationship status, and experiences. She does a very good job of owning this so I don't want to knock her too hard over it. But like, if you're an unmarried poor person it can just ring a little different when she says "It's okay to hire a housekeeper if you can afford it" over and over.

But also good on her for owning it and not letting it stop her from sharing a very genuinely important framework and I think she does address this disparity a few times pretty well here and there. But I think there were still quite a few times the emotional hit she's going for comes off wrong if you're not her.

I still think even despite that that it's worth it for anyone especially ND people to read this book and internalize it.

She has some really good strategies in here that are better than any other advice on executive dysfunction I've ever received